
Sakai offers a variety of capabilities for use in course and project sites, including:

Home View recent announcements, discussions, and chat activity
Announcements Post current, time-critical information
Assignments Post assignments and receive submissions online
Basiclti Launch and exchange information with externally-hosted tools
Chat Room Participate in real-time, written conversations
Drop Box Allow private file-sharing between instructors and students
Entity Broker Provides a set of RESTful APIs that support interoperability between Sakai tools.
Email Archive Maintain an archive of all email sent to the worksite's email list
Gradebook Compute and store grades
Help Access help documentation
Lessons Can organize the course by unit, module, week, topic, or any other grouping the instructor creates. Lessons leverages the power of other Sakai tools like Assignments, and Test and Quizzes.
Membership Choose sites in which you would like to participate
Messages and Forums Create discussion forums and communicate between site groups and users using internal mail.
News Display an RSS feed from an external site
Podcasts View podcasts
Polls Create site-based surveys and polls
Portfolios Supports portfolio-based activities with a suite of tools.
Post'em Provides functionality for uploading .csv formatted files to display feedback (e.g., comments, grades) to site participants.
Preferences Set your personal preferences, such as time zone, tab order
Profile Provides a Facebook-style interface for editing user profiles; includes Twitter integration
Quartz Scheduler Schedule and run cron jobs
Resources Add documents and URLs to your worksite
Roster View list of site participants
Schedule Keep track of important dates and deadlines on worksite calendar
Search Provides search capabilities of Sakai content
Section Info Manage sections or groups within a site
Shortened URL Service A simple service that allows tools and services to shorten links to anything, either via the Java-based service or the Entity Provider.
Signup tool Schedule instructor and ta office hours, study groups, and review sessions.
Site Info View worksite profile and participants list
Site Stats View site usage statistics
Syllabus Create a worksite syllabus
Tests & Quizzes Create, administer, and correct tests and quizzes online, and automatically feed the results to the Gradebook
Web Content Include external website content in your worksite
Wiki Collaboratively edit simple web pages
Worksite Setup Create and manage sites
Webservices Includes a rich collection of web services for system admins

The information displayed here can be modified by the Sakai Administrator by editing the !gateway site.